Etac Clean and Swift Mobile Tilt Leaflet

Etac Clean and Swift Mobile Tilt Leaflet

Etac Clean and Swift Mobile Tilt LeafletMaking showering and toileting easier and safer for the user and carer.A prize winning assortment of shower commode chairs that make it makes showering and toileting easier and safer for the user and the carer. Download this...
Liftup Raizer – Information Leaflet

Liftup Raizer – Information Leaflet

Liftup Raizer – Emergency Lifting DeviceInformation LeafletThe Liftup Raizer is a state-of-the-art emergency lifting care.This useful leaflet outlines its benefits, features and technical specifications in an easy to print format.Download the leaflet on the...
Star Cushion Range Therapist Information Leaflet

Star Cushion Range Therapist Information Leaflet

Star Cushion RangeTherapist Information LeafletWhy would your client need a Star Cushion?They are a high risk of skin breakdown and pressure area development.They require an air cushion (gold standard in pressure relief).They require the highest level of cushioning...