We are delighted to invite you to our Product Showcase Day on Tuesday 25th of October in the Clayton Hotel, Dublin Airport. Scroll down to save the date!

We will be showcasing a wide range of the products your client base needs, under one roof and our product experts will be standing by to answer any questions you have.

The products on show will include

  • Tilt-in-space wheelchairs
  • Comfort seating
  • Manual handling products
  • Pressure care mattresses & cushions
  • Shower chairs & commodes
  • Night positioning systems
  • Hoists

As well as many more.

Drop in any time during the day, we’ll be there from 8am until 8pm. Grab a cuppa, ask a question, check out the products and get hands on with our live interactive demonstrations.

We’re excited and we’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Don’t forget to SAVE THE DATE:

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