The Ann Beckett Award 2018

Feb 15, 2018

The Ann Beckett Award committee would like to announce that

Della Murtagh is the 2017 winner with her project

– Occupational Therapy Special Hands Summer Camp.

This is a wonderful Occupational Therapy Summer camp for children with mild and moderate learning disabilities focusing on developing independence skills and working on OT goals in a fun, community environment. A lot of the activities take place on a nearby activity farm which provides a staff member for the duration of the camp.

The project links existing community groups and focuses on a two week camp which works to develop individual predetermined goals. These include social and domestic independence skills, gross and fine motor skills, planning, sensory processing skills, social communication and general fitness.

The summer camp gives the children fun opportunities; it provides support and respite for families and gives Occupational Therapy work experience opportunities for school leavers.

Della Murtagh works in the Kells Primary Care Centre, Co. Meath. She has developed the Special Hands Summer Camp over a two year period – devoting her free time to the programme until funding became available in year two. She is highly regarded by the parents and children in the camp – summed up by one parent who said: “where she goes maybe other clinicians will follow”.

The Ann Beckett Award will be presented to Della at the AOTI Study Day on March 9th 2018 in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone.

Congratulations Della!

The Ann Beckett Award is kindly supported by O’Neill Healthcare.

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