Contact us with your enquiry

If you’d like to send us an enquiry, request a quotation or arrange an assessment with one of our product specialists, please fill out our contact form below and click ‘Submit Enquiry’ and we will get back to you as soon as we can. To discuss your enquiry with one of our team please call us on 01 832 6509, we’d be delighted to speak with you.

    With O Neill Healthcare, you know you’re in safe hands.
    We are a HSE vender
    Our product specialists service every county in Ireland
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    Open Hours

    Mon - Friday 8.30a.m. - 1.00p.m.
      2.00p.m. - 5.00p.m.
    Sat - Sun Closed 


    Unit 106, Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Baldoyle, Dublin, Ireland.

    Contact Details

    P: +353 1 832 6509

