Latest Educational Articles

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What is a pressure ulcer?

What is a pressure ulcer?

What is a pressure ulcer? A pressure ulcer is a localised injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear. (1) They most often develop on skin and tissue that covers boney areas...

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Christmas Opening Hours 2018

Christmas Opening Hours 2018

The offices and warehouse of O Neill Healthcare will close for the Christmas break on Friday 21st December and we will reopen on January 2nd 2019. Thank you for your support and assistance throughout 2018. We wish you and yours a Happy Christmas and look forwarding...

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What is respiratory muscle strength training?

What is respiratory muscle strength training?

Due to the growing popularity of the EMST150 (Expiratory Muscle Strength Trainer) amongst physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals, we have decided to put together this article answering some of the main questions about respiratory muscle strength training....

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Education Session With NUI Galway

Education Session With NUI Galway

Aidan and Eoin were in NUIG last week doing an education session with 3rd and 4th year Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy students. If you would like to arrange an education session for you or your colleagues let us know, email us at...

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Mon - Friday 8.30a.m. - 1.00p.m.
  2.00p.m. - 5.00p.m.
Sat - Sun Closed 


Unit 106, Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Baldoyle, Dublin, Ireland.

Contact Details

P: +353 1 832 6509
